The following students have been named as nominees for the 2021 Artist of the Year in instrumental music. We received 107 nominations from teachers and private instructors at Orange County high schools and arts organizations.
This arts discipline has been divided into five specialties: jazz, piano and stings, winds and percussion, and world/cultural and commercial. Semi-finalists in each specialty will be chosen by a panel of music teachers and announced in April at
The nominees are listed with an endorsement from their nominating teacher, the primary instrument(s) they play, and a link to the student’s work.
Justin Abestilla, alto sax

“Justin Abestilla is a quiet and unassuming young man that is a diligent, hardworking artist. It was during last year’s marching band season that he took it to a new level. He was one of our soloists on the Tower of Power hit “Attitude Dance,” where he truly unleashed an over-the-top Eric Marienthal-style solo that took us all by surprise.” — Robert Avzaradel, Irvine High School
Adam Bauer, guitar

“Adam is one of those kids you can put absolutely any piece of music in front of and you know he’ll not only knock it out of the park, but he’ll take the time to make it his own. He’ll put the work in to listen to all the different interpretations, and will mix and match until he lands on something that works for him. Adam is an amazing listener, team player and leader within every ensemble he plays.” — Whitney Tavlarides, Northwood High School
Bryan Bergo, trumpet

“Bryan is a talented and naturally curious musician. He is constantly seeking out new music and working diligently to understand the music that he’s playing at a cellular level. Bryan has worked incredibly hard to get his technique up to the level that his musicianship has long been at, and the performance part is getting better every day.” — Bradley Davis, Esperanza High School
Heyward Bradford, trumpet

“I have truly admired his growth and maturity as a musician. Heyward makes intelligent musical decisions in his playing, whether playing lead on an upbeat jazz chart, soloing on a ballad, leading the concert band section or improvising with the rhythm section. Heyward is always open to learning and applies that knowledge into his playing.” — Sandra Gilboe, Costa Mesa High School
Mike Campos, electric bass guitar

“One of Mike’s strengths is his optimistic character. In rehearsals, no mistake can frustrate him; it leads him to practice and improve more. This inspires other students to be more ready and serious about each rehearsal. In every rehearsal, Mike improves because he prepares each rehearsal with care and precision. He understands any instructions very quickly and fixes them right away. I’m very happy to work with him. He is a definitely talented musician with a great heart.” — Elliott Bark, Crean Lutheran High School
Andrew Cheng, piano

“Andrew Cheng is a classically trained pianist that has really explored other performance avenues here at Woodbridge High School. Andrew expressed an interest in trying jazz piano his sophomore year and quickly moved up into the top jazz ensemble. He is not afraid to try new styles or be put on the spot to solo. Andrew has wonderful leadership skills and serves as the rhythm section leader where he is responsible for running sectionals and helping his peers learn their music.” — Joslynne Blasdel, Woodbridge High School
Nick Hagan, alto sax

“During the past three years Nick has been a trusted leader and performer within the music program at Yorba Linda High School. During this time Nick has been a key member in developing and strengthening this program. As a leader, Nick has continuously worked to lead by example, fostered relationships, and set a high level of commitment for the program. His peers and I respect him for the amount of time and effort he has selflessly poured into growing our program.” — Bincins Garcia, Yorba Linda High School
Tommy Herrington, tenor sax, alto sax

“He is one of my most diligent students. Always willing to work and learn new musical techniques. Besides performing music in and out of school, being the Drum Major, and section leader in the music program, Tommy finds time to excel academically. Tommy challenges himself academically in courses that require university level work. When it comes to learning and succeeding Tommy always finds a way to succeed.” — Bincins Garcia, Yorba Linda High School
Sean Kawanami, piano

“Sean is a natural leader, and embodies the meaning of student leadership. He leads by example, and never gives up! He is a phenomenal jazz pianist, but an even more amazing student composer. His works are far beyond his years, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Sean.” — Whitney Tavlarides, Northwood High School
Max Lister, alto sax

“Max has a reserved, quiet demeanor, so one might be surprised to discover how passionate he is about jazz and how spirited he gets when he plays his saxophone. You can normally find him practicing during break or at lunch in one of the music hall’s practice rooms. Max’s zest for this genre can be observed in his approach to practicing and his rehearsal etiquette — which is inspiring and motivating his peers — as well as his willingness to discuss artists, albums, technique, anything associated with it.” — Andrew Julian, Newport Harbor High School
Bryan Robert Melendez, trombone

“Bryan is an amazing player who clearly demonstrates a reverence for the traditions of jazz, while expressing himself in a way that shows he is built for a future of his design. He is constantly pushing himself for excellence and working on refining his own voice, while he strives to elevate those around him through his leadership.” — Bradley Davis, Esperanza High School
Cody Nakatsukasa, acoustic/electric bass

“This kid lives and breathes jazz. He’s an amazing listener, team player and leader within every ensemble he plays. Cody take initiative, communicates well, and is not afraid to take chances musically. His talent and passion for music makes him stand out as part of the top 1% of our instrumental music program.” — Whitney Tavlarides, Northwood High School
Gianna Pedregon, violin

“Her instrument, the jazz violin, is rarely played with such finesse and intentionality. Her ability to blend with a big band saxophone section while executing the nuances of vibrato, articulation, and phrasing is eclipsed only by her superior ability to improvise within the given idiom. Gianna possesses great depth and clarity in her musical ideas, which are a testament to the many dedicated hours she has spent listening and transcribing.” — John Reynolds, Orange County School of the Arts
Joseph I. Pena, drum set

“Joseph Pena is one of the most unassuming talents in our program. I recall hearing him for the first time playing the kit in Jazz II. I smiled inside and out. To be at the top level of jazz drumming you must have great hands. Obviously, time and excitement are critical, but they will not take you to the top without hands (touch).” — Robert Avzaradel, Irvine High School
Christian P. Perez, alto sax

“Christian is one of the best musicians Valencia High School has ever had. He is a fine musician with a professional attitude and work ethic towards his craft. He is always prepared for rehearsal and strives for the best from himself and those in his section.” — Richard King, Valencia High School
Ezekiel Schultz, piano, bass, drums, guitar

“Zeke is as versatile as musicians come. As he was preparing to come into my program, I had been told what a tremendous young percussionist he was, only to have him decide at the last moment before his audition to audition as a pianist. Once he got a spot in a band, it was obvious that he had found his voice. He was able to marry his fine skill set as a drummer, with the ever evolving harmonic language that he was learning as a pianist, which as a performer made him dynamic.” — Bradley Davis, Esperanza High School
Reynaldo Soza-Sandoval, sax

“Reynaldo Soza-Sandoval is a spectacular saxophonist and student. He consistently displays virtuosity in his playing and humility in his leadership. I have had the pleasure of aiding his musical development for the last two years and it is truly remarkable how much progress he has made in such a short time.” — John Reynolds, Orange County School of the Arts
Landon Stein, trombone, euphonium, tuba

“Landon is one of those rare students who mixes natural talent with an intelligent mind and then adds in dedication and leadership. Landon doesn’t shy away from a challenge, whether in jazz or classical pieces. He continues to grow and develop and then passes that on to those around him.” — Sandy Gilboe, Costa Mesa High School
Sarina Tayui, trumpet

“She is one of my most diligent and passionate students. Always willing to work and learn new items. Sarina finds time to also involve herself outside of school. Over the years Sarina has completed a full course of Japanese High School. She has been a dance performer for many years, gives lessons to younger students, and is going to college as an avid golfer.” — Bincins Garcia, Yorba Linda High School
Annie Trinh, alto sax, clarinet

“Annie has an unchallenged work ethic; besides performing music in and out of school, giving music lessons, coaching basketball to 5-year-olds, being a section leader in the program, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Jazz lead Alto, and being involved in various school organizations Annie finds time to excel academically. Her attention to detail has been a key skill to have as band drum major, and we are always reassured that she leads by example and always has the interest of her peers at heart.” — Bincins Garcia, Yorba Linda High School
Yuzhou Zhang, tenor sax

“Equally at peace in the blues tradition or the post-modern sound of the tenor, Yuzhou has become someone that I can truly count on personally and professionally. I have been particularly proud of how he has taken on the challenge of learning his traditional saxophone doubles of flute and clarinet, and does so well enough to meaningfully contribute on them in our classical ensembles.” — Bradley Davis, Esperanza High School
Melody Chang, piano

“Melody is very mature for her age and she approaches her art with an astute sense of objectivity. She processes constructive criticism well and is always willing to go the extra mile in order to take her work to the highest level of formal and conceptual refinement. Melody has a very methodical creative process. Once Melody begins her practice sessions, she works with precision and purpose. Though Melody is very talented, she is a humble young woman who never lets her abilities go to her head. She thrives off of the entire creative process both the successes and the challenges.” — Judy Huang, Private Instruction from Judy Huang
Brandon Chen, viola

“Whenever students come to me to ask me for a letter of recommendation, I write the words or qualities that first come to mind when I think of that student. For Brandon they are as follows: leader, poise under pressure, personable, confident, artistic, creative, and involved. Over the past four years, Brandon has always displayed these important skills while earning the trust and respect of his peers.” — Jim Kollias, Arnold O. Beckman High School
Claire Chen, violin

“Claire is a remarkable human being! Her leadership of our philharmonic orchestra (top of 3) is unparalleled. We know the best leaders lead by example, yet Claire does it with such kindness, understanding and grace, that it is easy to forget she is still in high school.” — Robert Avzaradel, Irvine High School
Kaden Choi, violin

“Kaden Choi displays wonderful leadership qualities and has participated in our top orchestra for two years. This year he has become a leader and his responsibilities include running sectionals, marking bowings, setting style, pitch and musicality, all the while motivating students to improve upon their musical talent. COVID has definitely changed the way we teach and play in orchestra this year. Kaden is one of the students that reached out to start an orchestra leadership team to mentor not only the students in the top orchestra, but also in the lower level orchestras.” — Joslynne Blasdel, Woodbridge High School
Karis Choi, viola

“Karis is well respected by her peers for her musicality, dedication, attention to detail and strong leadership skills. She is a very bright, responsible and organized young woman with a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn. Karis has also helped in setting up a new orchestra social networking app to help get information out to students. All of these things has really made a positive impact during a difficult time.” — Joslynne Blasdel, Woodbridge High School
Ina (Kathy) Chun, double bass

“Kathy is an unquestionably talented musician, but her leadership and presence in the orchestra is what truly makes her stand out amongst her very talented peers. As a sophomore, she not only made it into our top orchestra, but she rocketed to the top of a bass section. As section leader, I have routinely seen her lead compassionately and constantly support her peers, and she is a model for performance and musicality as well as work ethic and drive.” — Ben Case, Northwood High School
Stephanie Chung, viola

“Stephanie’s great attitude and excellent skills have brought the quality of her section to a higher level. She plays the notes on the paper very accurately and cares very much about the characters of the music we perform. She always suggests her section play in ways to help what the conductor is trying to describe through the music. Her suggestions are very thoughtful and helpful to the group.” — Elliott Bark, Crean Lutheran High School
Colin Dang, cello

“Colin is one of the most diverse musicians I have had the pleasure of working with. He was a middle school flute player and picked up cello. In high school not only does he play 1st flute, he also is the principal cellist in our orchestra. He also is a member of our percussion section as a bass drummer. His role in percussion is one of leadership both in playing and rehearsing.” — John McGilligan, Marina High School
Irene Emahiser, piano

“A gifted pianist, Irene has studied classical, jazz and Broadway styles and techniques, but her musicianship doesn’t stop there. Irene is also a dynamic cellist studying with quality teachers from across the country. On the human side, Irene is very caring, helpful and courteous to her fellow performers and always willing to go ‘above and beyond the call of duty’ in order to produce the highest quality results.” — Tim Nelson, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Lisa Fredette, cello
“Lisa has been involved in the Tesoro Instrumental Music Program since freshman year as one of the most outstanding musicians. With her skills at a very advanced level, she has earned the position of the principal player and section leader of the cello section in our top auditioned Chamber Orchestra ensemble this year. Anyone who has the opportunity to listen and watch Lisa perform can hear how much passion and feeling she puts into every phrase!” — Yeon Choi, Tesoro High School
Kathryn Heinemeier, piano, violin
“Kathryn is a talented musician in multiple areas of instrumental music. At Capistrano Valley High School she is a three year member of the advanced orchestra. Outside of Capistrano Valley, she is a competitive pianist, earning numerous awards and commendations at competitions across California.” — Andreas Waldukat, Capistrano Valley High School
Santiago Hernandez Rodriguez, violin

“Santiago is a skilled and insightful violinist, and having been born and raised in Venezuela, he brings a unique and passionate perspective to our orchestra. The students and I are always curious to see and hear him expound on growing up and learning the violin in his home country. It is especially thrilling to hear about the music-making that he still does with his Venezuelan relatives, mixing their influences with what he has experienced here in America to create something fresh and new.” — Andrew Julian, Newport Harbor High School
Andrea Huang, cello

“Andrea is immensely talented, but of all the wonderful things that can be said about her, the most important and, in my opinion, impressive thing about her is her genuine thirst for knowledge and broad perspective. Though at times soft-spoken, her playing and sheer presence in the orchestra speaks volumes, and she constantly strives for deeper understanding and context. She epitomizes the idea of leading by example, and since I first met her, she has been an incredible example for her peers.” — Ben Case, Northwood High School
Aaron Kim, violin

“Aaron possesses a natural talent for music and has worked diligently to improve his considerable skills on the violin through extensive study and practice. He is an outstanding member of our Sinfonia orchestra, which performs collegiate and professional level repertoire. Aaron has held the position of concertmaster in the orchestra during his sophomore and junior years. Aaron is also the student conductor of our orchestras.” — Bruce Topping, Valencia High School
Irene Lee, cello

“Irene is extremely talented, but of all the wonderful things that can be said about her, the most important and, in my opinion, impressive thing about her is her passion for personal growth. She constantly seeks out ways to improve her own understanding and performance of the music. We have had several conversations about the ‘next steps’ in her musical development. Her curiosity and passion for growth in tandem with her immense natural talent has resulted in her making an indelible mark upon our program.” — Ben Case, Northwood High School
Nick Lin, violin
“Nick Lin is an inquisitive student who is both creative and intellectual. He works at his craft constantly and is always open to feedback on his performance. Although the Covid pandemic has greatly changed the look and feel of the classroom environment, Nick has committed himself to leading his peers during online warm-up/tuning and in our in-person meetings.” — Phil Mortensen, Yorba Linda High School
Sarah Liu, violin

“Sarah Liu is an outstanding violinist with great passion and maturity. During the pandemic, she has created numerous virtual performances and live outdoor performances. The pandemic could not stop her love to perform and her desire to share the joy of music. Beyond her exceptional ability as a violinist, Sarah is one of the kindest and most humble students I’ve ever encountered.” — Elliott Bark, Crean Lutheran High School
Chloe Nelson, violin

“She is extremely gifted and talented both for her piano and violin skills. Those who watch Chloe perform can see and hear how she plays with poise, grace, and passion. Her violin performance has so moved several younger musicians to be inspired and look up to as well!” — Yeon Choi, Tesoro High School
Hannah Noh, piano

“She possesses a natural talent for music and is also academically accomplished. In the past, I have had students who either excel at improvisation or who take a more methodical approach to musical performance. She is rare in that she possesses both abilities. She intuitively loves music, yes, but she is also has an insatiable curiosity about the “why” and “how” behind it.” — Judy Huang, Orange County School of the Arts
Amy Palm, cello

“Amy is an absolute gem. She brings a smile and joy with her to each rehearsal. While yes, she is an annual member of the All-Southern and All-State Honor Orchestra’s she is much more than talent. Amy brings an invaluable level of leadership and camaraderie to orchestra. With the hybrid model (this year), she has been instrumental in bringing both cohorts together.” — Robert Avzaradel, Irvine High School
Skyler Ramon, double bass, piano

“His enthusiasm for the programs shows in every class and performance. Additionally, Skyler participates in the APA student council where he helps new members feel welcome and helps the school connect with the community. Skyler’s participation and enthusiasm have definitely made him a wonderful musician and member of our musical community.” — Gregg Gilboe, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Zoya Sachirarwe, violin

“She is a wonderfully expressive violinist, and a very solid saxophonist, both in concert literature and jazz. Her passion for music shows in her enthusiastic participation in nearly every aspect of our programs and in her wonderful leadership of her fellow students. Her musical and leadership skills have certainly had a positive impact on our program.” — Gregg Gilboe, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Sophia Sandhu, cello
“As a freshman, she immediately stood out as a future leader and role model to her peers. In the last two years, Sophia has stepped into the role of section leader seamlessly. Her quiet demeanor, approachable and supportive personality has allowed the cello section to flourish over the past semester.” — Andreas Waldukat, Capistrano Valley High School
Erica Seo, violin

“She has kept an amazingly positive attitude through the shutdown, which I have appreciated greatly. On top of being a wonderfully gifted player, she is hard working, confident, and personable. She is always involved and finding ways to inspire her fellow students. Crisis doesn’t create leaders, it reveals them; such is the case with Erica Seo.” — Jim Kollias, Arnold O. Beckman High School
Iris Shen, violin

“Iris Shen displays wonderful leadership qualities and has served as the principal violinist in our top orchestra and musical orchestra for two years. Iris is one of the students that reached out to start an orchestra leadership team to mentor not only the students in the top orchestra, but also in the lower level orchestras. Iris is always willing to stay and help with anything that needs to be accomplished. All of these things have really made a positive impact during a difficult time.” — Joslynne Blasdel, Woodbridge High School
Christopher Sterling, bass

“Chris shines on many fronts. He is always seeking out new opportunities to improve his craft and grow more well-rounded. He is also a fantastic percussionist and a natural leader, who was chosen to be this year’s drum major for his leadership and interpersonal skills in addition to his musical aptitude. Chris constantly behaves, often unknowingly, as a role model that other students look up to, whether it be his positive attitude, friendly and approachable demeanor, thoughtfulness and moral integrity, strong work ethic, determination to succeed, or his dedication to improving on his instruments.” — James Winchell, Garden Grove High School
Nicole Lily Tavoussi, violin

“From the day I met Nicole, her high caliber skill and technique, as well as her passion for music were evident. She has worked tirelessly to accomplish a level of sophisticated playing. She is reliable, dedicated, and eternally thoughtful in every note she plays. Nicole’s love for the violin has inspired her to pursue further knowledge in the making and maintenance of stringed instruments. She aspired to serve as an apprentice for a local luthier this year, but circumstances surrounding COVID put a temporary pause on that goal. Instead, Nicole has and continues to volunteer many hours assisting me in the upkeep of the school’s inventory of stringed instruments.” — Linling Hsu, St. Margaret’s Episcopal School
Abigail Tsai, cello

“She is always ready to play. Her leadership in the cello section is extraordinary. She studies the pieces we are rehearsing very carefully and decides the bowings with insight. She is also a very humble and kind student who comes earlier than other students to set up and leaves later to clear the rehearsal space. And her ideas about music are very thoughtful and meaningful.” — Elliott Bark, Crean Lutheran High School
Ai Thien Vo, piano

“Ai is one of the most talented individuals I have worked with. She came to our programs towards the end of her high school career and I am constantly amazed at the creativity, passion and commitment she displays daily. She plays piano in our orchestra and during these interesting times, has also become a part-time string teacher to our younger players.” — John McGilligan, Marina High School
Anthony Wang, violin

“He leads a large, diverse ensemble with the perfect balance of knowledge, kindness and humor. With the challenges of distance learning, Anthony has stepped up. He leads the violin virtual sectionals and continues to help the other section leaders.” — Deanna Miner, Oxford Academy

Max Wang, viola
“What really sets Max apart from other students in my mind and experience is his hard work ethic and kindness. Since day one, I’ve always been impressed by how Max goes out of his way to help others, be it simple things like setting up and breaking down rehearsal chairs/stands, or giving advice on how to play something.” — Nicholaus Yee, Orange County School of the Arts
Chenaniah Wondercheck, bass

“Aside from playing in the conservatory’s musical production orchestra, he has participated in his high school’s orchestra for all four years. Outside of being a wonderful and dedicated musician, Chenaniah spends his time volunteering at a thrift store serving, and placing others first. His performances are presented with his giving his all and he comes to rehearsals prepared. I have been especially impressed by Chenan’s determination and kind spirit.” — Edwin Lovo, Arts & Learning Conservatory
Mengshu Zhang, piano

“Mengshu has proven himself to be an invaluable and natural leader in our music program, regardless of title. He puts in the time individually, helps those around him, all in the name of realizing group success. Of all the wonderful things that can be said about Mengshu, the most important and, in my opinion, impressive thing is his relentless drive.” — Ben Case, Northwood High School
Ryan Baldoz, clarinet

“During the past four years Ryan has been a trusted leader within the music program at Yorba Linda High School. During this time Ryan has been a key member in developing and strengthening this program. As a leader Ryan has continuously worked to lead by example, fostered relationships, and set a high level of commitment for the program.” — Bincins Garcia, Yorba Linda High School
Dani Buschini, percussion

“Danielle Buschini is one of the most gifted students I have had the pleasure to work with, and she has the widest range of specialty areas I have ever come across. She has played piano since she was young which helped her pick up flute, alto saxophone, marching snare, and all concert percussion.” — Aaron Zeilinger, Orange Lutheran High School
Lawrence Chen, clarinet

“Lawrence is unquestionably talented, but it’s positivity, drive and desire for personal growth which help set him apart. He has been one of our top clarinetists since arriving at Northwood as a freshman, but regardless of his accomplishments, he remains both humble and looking for that next ‘leading edge’ in his development.” — Ben Case, Northwood High School
Linc Dowdy, percussion (keyboard instruments)
“Linc has brought a very positive attitude to the program which has helped him become a terrific section leader as well. He has worked very hard to make strong strides in improving his technical and musical abilities every year. These qualities make him an inspiration for other members of our programs, especially in the percussion section.” — Gregg Gilboe, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Keira Ferrell, flute

“Keira is not only a talented musician and flute player, she is an artistically passionate and dedicated individual who supports and cares for others. As a freshmen it quickly became apparent that she was academically serious, professional, collaborative, friendly, and had the many qualities needed to succeed not only in music and school, but also in life.” — Fernando Martinez, Mater Dei High School
Ryan Fung, snare drum

“Ryan is such a versatile musician. He can play with confidence any style of jazz and all concert percussion instruments. Even with all of his talents, he is still a grounded and humble person. I can count on Ryan for anything from ensuring his section is prepared and ready for performances to being professional and on time for all events and performances.” — Bradford Harris, Woodbridge High School
Megan Gurrola, flute

“Her musicality as a flute player is enhanced by her unique and creative viewpoint. Megan is also a vocalist and songwriter and I love how she creatively combines her talents and then adds a dash of heart and individuality. Taking the traditional world of classical flute playing and mixing it with contemporary pop culture is giving it the Megan spin.” — Sandy Gilboe, Costa Mesa High School
Cassidy Hanks, marimba/percussion
“I have seen her grow into a well-rounded percussionist and all-around musician. Her ability to perform all the keyboard percussion instruments as well as timpani, snare drum, and the required auxiliary instruments is tremendous. She is a role model among peers and active in the musical mentors program. I have seen her work with fellow high school students and start new musicians as young as five years old on their first percussion lesson.” — Andreas Waldukat, Capistrano Valley High School
Kayla Higgins, flute
“Kayla Higgins is a fantastic student! She is involved in all performing groups at school as well as outside community performing groups. She is a student that strives for musical excellence while soaring in the area of academics.” — Bincins Garcia, Yorba Linda High School
Ethan Huang, bass clarinet
“Ethan Huang, is passionate about music. He has set a fine example of what a high school musician can do. He is currently and has been in the past, a member of the All-National Honor Band, All-State Honor Band, and All-Southern Honor Band. As a member of our music program, he has contributed not only his musicianship but leadership, as well. He set’s a standard with his section that is also present with other sections.” — Joseph Castillo, Troy High School
Aaron Jin, oboe

“Aaron Jin is one of the most talented students I have had. He started the oboe not long before I met him. I assigned Aaron as the second oboist, but soon he became the first oboist. I gave him very challenging pieces for his level, such as Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio Espagnole (the original piece, not arrangement). He did not quit but pursued the excellence he could bring.” — Elliott Bark, Crean Lutheran High School
Ellen Kang, flute

“As a leader Ellen has continuously worked to lead by example, fostered relationships, and set a high level of commitment for the program. I respect her for the amount of time and effort she has selflessly poured into bettering our program. Ellen has a way of making students feel welcomed, a way of making students know their self-worth, a way of teaching others the craft of music and leadership.” — Bincins Garcia, Yorba Linda High School
Zachary Kern, sax, guitar, bass guitar

“Zach has a big heart and is a natural leader. Every time he plays, something exciting happens. During this time of social distancing, Zach has thrived in content creation, producing video performances of a high musical quality with incredible production values. Samples have included solos with accompaniment and saxophone quartets featuring himself on all four instruments!” — James Quirion, Cypress High School
Emily Kim, clarinet

“Emily Kim is a principal clarinet player at Crean Lutheran’s Concert/Pep Band. She is a wonderful student with solid skills, mature musical understanding and personality, and a desire to improve in every rehearsal. Being an online student, it is very easy to be distracted. However, she never shows a lack of preparation or diligence. She always prepares herself for the best rehearsal possible.” — Elliott Bark, Crean Lutheran High School
Esther Kim, clarinet

“Esther Kim is one of those students that silently gets things done. She is the one that is quietly doing her work, paying attention, getting things done without much of a notice. However, when she puts her instrument in her hands she is a FORCE.” — Bradford Harris, Woodbridge High School
Seyoung (Sean) Kim, clarinet
“Seyoung has a strong work ethic; besides performing music in and out of school, giving music lessons to fellow students, being a leader in the program, and being involved in various school organizations Sean finds time to excel academically. He’s a fantastic and dedicated musician.” — Bincins Garcia, Yorba Linda High School
Brian Lin, alto sax

“Brian possesses extraordinary classical technique and it is evident through his musical drive that he is passionate about pursuing a career in the arts. He plays in all of our top award-winning wind and jazz ensembles and contributes greatly with his artistic prowess.” — John Reynolds, Orange County School of the Arts
Esther Liu, oboe
“Esther plays the oboe so remarkably well that I find myself distracted and off-task when she is practicing in the music room. I have to stop and enjoy her wonderful sound! She is mature, talented, but most of all self-aware and self-motivated to do well and DO GOOD.” — Troy Trimble, Fullerton Union High School
Alex Lorang, tenor sax

“Alex is a very talented wind player. He was already an accomplished sax player when he entered high school. He quickly proved just how talented by auditioning for and being accepted into our district’s honor band. A huge accomplishment for a freshman. In our own program he quickly rose to the top of the sax section THEN decided to pick up bassoon and landed 1st chair on that instrument just a few months after learning how to play it.” — John McGilligan, Marina High School
Spencer Mar, trombone

“Spencer Mar has been an outstanding member of the El Dorado instrumental music program. He is continuously called upon to be a leader both musically and personally within our program. Through private lessons and consistent practice, he has grown tremendously as a musician this year.” — Eric Samson, El Dorado High School
Jacquenline Monterrosa, flute
“Jacky is highly respected by both the faculty and her peers. Jacky is also an incredibly warm and generous person. She has a fine sense of humor, a ready smile, and works extremely well with others. In addition, Jacky is a natural leader who is highly self-motivated and an independent thinker, who responds to criticism with grace and humility.” — Dylan Harlan, Katella High School
Wendy Ostaszewski, trombone
“Wendy has been a phenomenal student. She is our principal trombone in our wind ensemble and shows great potential as a soloist in our jazz band. She has also been selected to be a participant with the California Band Directors Association All-State Honor Ensembles.” — Eric Samson, El Dorado High School
Lily Parsons, trombone
“Lily is a very creative, enthusiastic, and positive section leader for the low brass, making all of the members feel comfortable, welcome, and accepted, especially in these crazy times. She is a great example for everyone in the program inspiring them to stay positive and use music to make the world a better place. Of course, she is a wonderful player as well, and continues to develop her technique and musicianship to very high levels.” — Gregg Gilboe, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Matthew Richardson, oboe
“Matthew is a wonderfully expressive musician whose playing has brought chills to many musical theater and orchestra audiences at APA. He has quietly developed his technique and musicianship every year, making him one of our strongest musicians.” — Gregg Gilboe, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Caitlyn Noelle Roum, trumpet

“Caitlyn understands the importance of learning from all of the arts disciplines and applies that to her performances. She is not only creative and giving in her own playing, but passes that along to her fellow musicians as well. Caitlyn is a born leader and inspires those around her. She is often fearless in her approach, but always shows maturity and musicality in her playing.” — Sandy Gilboe, Costa Mesa High School
Sonia Singh, B-flat clarinet, alto sax

“Sonia is a highly skilled clarinetist and saxophonist who exudes a deep passion for music, service to others, and has strong leadership skills. Not only can she play her instrument at a very high level, but she also has a calling to mentor and help other students. She is the president of United Sound, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide instrumental music education and performance experience for students with special needs through peer mentorship.” — Michael Whang, Canyon High School
Andrew Graham Smith, trumpet

“Andrew is a musician who has impeccable taste. His pursuit of excellence has been a hallmark of his playing since before I met him, and it shows in his artistry. No matter the style, Andrew’s playing is technically flawless and infused with musicality. Andrew has shown a dedication to the craft of making music that few students show.” — Bobby Westphal, Mission Viejo High School
Nathan Stuewe, percussion
“Nathan Stuewe is a gifted musician who has passion for music and maturity as a player and a person. He is very versatile on any percussion instruments. His rhythmic sense is outstanding, and without him, the band has a hard time rehearsing.” — Elliott Bark, Crean Lutheran High School
Justin Suzukawa, B-flat clarinet, B-flat bass clarinet
“Justin Suzukawa is an excellent student and musician. He always strives for excellence in all of his endeavors. During this tough time of distance learning, Justin has consistently raised the bar of his own playing and his fellow peers. On our chamber and solo assignments, he would always request a more difficult challenging piece.” — Bradford Harris, Woodbridge High School
Jason R. Voris, clarinet

“Jason has found an enthusiasm for music that has helped drive him to develop his technical and expressive musical skills to a very high level. Our programs have benefited from this, and I know he will continue to use his talents to bring the love of music to the world.” — Gregg Gilboe, Huntington Beach High School
Jackson Wrubel, percussion
“Jackson has always been a “go getter” and strives to learn more. Whether it is rudimental drumming, contemporary percussion, drum set or keyboards, Jackson is more than willing to jump in. He has furthered his musical experiences with outside groups and instruction, but always brings that enthusiasm and knowledge back to the school programs as well. He is an energetic and giving teacher as a leader in the percussion section and always brings passion to his performances.” — Sandy Gilboe, Costa Mesa High School
Sean Yan, classical percussion

“Sean is unquestionably talented, but of all the wonderful things that can be said about him, the most important and, in my opinion, impressive thing about him is his drive for personal growth. Sean has constantly impressed me with his ability to set and strive for very ambitious goals, however as a percussionist, he didn’t always have the immediate access to instruments. While I have seen this barrier slow some students down, Sean actively creates opportunities to develop.” — Ben Case, Northwood High School
Michael Zmich, snare drum
“Mike is a very talented percussionist. He pushes himself to be the best he can possibly be. As a freshman he moved quickly from bass drum to tenor drums and eventually snare drum where he shines. An incredibly detailed person, his playing is very intense and very clean. He joined jazz band and quickly became one of the best set players we’ve had in the program. His reading skills developed and did his sense of style and flare.” — John McGilligan, Marina High School
Nathaniel Albano, guitar
“Nathan is a highly skilled guitarist with such a kind and humble demeanor. He is always willing to help out and displays not only talent but strong leadership skills and often helps more beginning students catch up with other members of the class with patience and encouragement. I truly believe without a doubt that he would make a great guitar teacher or a teacher in any field and his character shows that he is reliable and a hard-worker.” — Jordan Killion, Laguna Hills High School
Kaili Allen, guitar
“Kaili is one of our incredible guitar players here at MMET. She has a humble attitude and continues to work to improve her craft every day. Kaili has played incredibly challenging music in our program and makes it look virtually effortless. She is positive and works hard to balance music, athletics, and school.” — Michael Simmons, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Analiese Marie Bancroft, piano/keyboards

“While Analiese is a very talented and accomplished pianist, her true passions and artistry lie in her composition and arranging. Analiese is a senior at OCSA in Popular Music (Musician of the Year 2018), yet blends her talent and knowledge of commercial music, jazz, and classical to create a truly unique artistic voice.” — Devin Norris, Orange County School of the Arts
Chad Bierman, guitar, bass, vocals

“Chad has an incredible heart for our program and is a phenomenal musician. He works as our bass technician in our program, and helps other bass players in rehearsal and performances, troubleshooting issues and helping students with difficult parts. Chad is a phenomenal performer and (pre-COVID) performs multiple times each weekend around the community.” — Michael Simmons, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Sean Thomas Bierman, guitar, vocals

“Sean is a prolific guitar player, songwriter, and performer. He and his twin brother sing, play, and write in their own band, performing locally each weekend and taking as many gigs as they can get. Sean has set the standard for our program’s guitar players, and shows up every day with a huge smile on his face. Lighting up the room, he makes everyone around him better, and motivates them to improve their craft each day.” — Danielle Collins, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Elizabeth Dilao, steel drum

“Lizzie is one of those students that every teacher wishes they had! Through her talents, disciplined work habits, dedication to the music, and wonderful attitude, she inspires her classmates on a daily basis. Lizzie is also a very versatile musician, and excels at the bass steel drums (her primary steel drum), the tenor and cello steel drums, and piano.” — Amanda Duncan, Santa Margarita Catholic High School
William Clark Gibson, guitar, electric bass, drum set, vocals

“Will is able to adapt to any situation on the drum set and guitar/bass, and maintain a professional sound and respect for others. WIll thinks analytically since he is involved in reading basic music notation as well as tab and more. His stage presence has developed and does a great job capturing the musical essence of his performance. He continues to pursue his understanding for multiple types of musical genres and styles to build his awareness as an artist and a musician.” — Taylor Smith, Mater Dei High School
Emily Horn, steel drum, cello

“Emily is a leader in the Steel Drums program here at Santa Margarita, and has been an absolute joy to have in the classroom these last four years. Her talents, passion for music, and curiosity for learning and understanding the “why” behind the music have made her a standout and an inspiration to her peers. She is a skilled cello steel drum player (our captain for this year), and has developed a fine touch, control, and nuance on the instrument that many people more often associate with a violin than with metallic oil barrels.” — Amanda Duncan, Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Thomas Daniel Lowrey, drum set

“Thomas is known in our conservatory as a ‘quiet fire’ that works with an extreme focus and maturity beyond his years. Thomas is always one of the first students to class, the first to complete his work, and the first to want to go above and beyond what is asked of him for a performance in order to continue to grow and evolve as a young artist.” — Rachel Kramer, Orange County School of the Arts
Grant McManus, guitar
“Grant displays a high level of skill on the guitar and will definitely go far and plans to pursue studying and working in the music industry upon graduating. He shows a willingness to help and patience with the younger students I have him work with. He also takes the time to drive an hour away from his home to study voice and improve his overall musicianship. I firmly believe this young man will go quite far on his instrument and whatever else he chooses to pursue in life.” — Jordan Killion, Laguna Hills High School
Christopher Moreno Hernandez, trumpet, flugel horn

“As a very active member of the program, Chris has always demonstrated great enthusiasm for whatever genre of music he has participated in. Whether it is concert band, marching band, jazz band, pep band or small ensembles, you can always count on Chris to lead the trumpet section. But Chris has also used his musical talents as a way to celebrate his culture through Mariachi. He collaborated with fellow band students to assemble a local Mariachi band and performs for the community and for our program as well.” — Sandy Gilboe, Costa Mesa High School
Beckam Nguyen, guitar, piano

“Beckam is quiet and powerful. He is the commercial artist package and he already understands what it takes to be a professional musician. Everything Beckam does in our program reflects that of a professional: both on stage and off. Not only is Beckam a prolific player, but he also possesses everything else needed to make it in the music industry.” — Nicole Kubis, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Suraj Pai, steel drum

“Raj is a complete joy to have … and is a standout in the Steel Drums program. He’s a “musical anchor” for his classmates, especially in the double seconds section, is a wonderful team player, and demonstrates professionalism and maturity every day. A versatile musician, Raj is also a talented pianist, and has been a vital member of the drumline in marching band.” — Amanda Duncan, Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Angelina Petticord, electric bass guitar

“Angie truly does it all: plays bass, guitar, sings — and seems to do it with such ease. She models to younger classes what it means to be a successful student in our program. She is responsible, reliable, collaborative, and also thinking outside of the box as a collaborator.” — Rachel Kramer, Orange County School of the Arts
Christopher Alan Roberts, piano, synthesizer, organ

“Chris is one of the most talented and hardworking musicians we have ever had. He is a prolific keyboard player and tends to pick up any other instrument we throw at him very quickly. When a song called for baritone sax, he learned bari sax to play it. He also began singing background vocals and then lead vocals one year ago. We’ve had him play bass guitar and many other instruments in our shows and he continues to surprise us.” — Danielle Collins, Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts
Allie Sadoff, tenor steel pan, marimba

“Allie is a fantastic student in the music program, and is passionate about the steel drum! She has continued to grow her abilities at the Birch Creek and Berklee summer steel band and percussion festivals, and also recently participated in a Virtual Steelband with over 600 steel drummers from around the world! In my classroom, she is focused, a wonderful team player, and is one of the strongest players in the tenor section.” — Amanda Duncan, Santa Margarita Catholic High School
Meg Jillian Salanga, guitar, vocals

“Meg’s artistic talents definitely don’t go unnoticed on our campus and in the community. She is the lead singer of the school’s rock band, Code Red, while maintaining straight A’s in academics. Meg helped develop and implement a guitar mentorship program within our program where the advanced students help encourage the newer members of the program to be successful throughout the year. Meg constantly thinks of others first, and is willing to join any group on any part. Talk about a versatile musician.” — Taylor Smith, Mater Dei High School
Lino Sanchez, guitarron, trumpet, vocals, electric bass

“Lino is very hard-working, diligent, considerate, compassionate, motivated, and has a teacher’s heart. He has helped younger students throughout his high school career. Lino also handles adversity with maturity and poise. I am confident he will find success in any type of life pursuit.” — Joshua Parsons, John F. Kennedy High School
Jared Stein, guitar, bass, drums, vocals

“Jared Stein is a singular talent. Unlike so many students who pursue music in order to pad their scholarly resumes, Jared is determined to pursue music as a career. He is also generous with his talent and assists those he comes in contact with, making them better musicians. He spends time with younger or less skilled musicians showing them how to play a certain piece of music.” — Kevin Bachelder, Tarbut V’Torah Community Day School
Tristan Wani, guitar

“It has been my pleasure to have Tristin in one of my classes since he was a freshman. When he first walked in the door of my guitar class, I thought “Here’s a kid who seems to be walking his own unique path.” He was fun, quirky, and yes, motivated. I didn’t understand yet just how motivated he was.” — Nancy Stuck, Arnold O. Beckman High School
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March 21, 2021 at 08:57PM
Artist of the Year 2021: Instrumental music nominees - OCRegister
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